I Been Thinking, Yeah, I Know THAT Could Be Very Dangerous!

Published by John Worsham — 05-05-2017 01:05:44 PM

I been thinking about our business at Leased Ad Space.  Maybe some things we could do to make it bigger and better than ever before.  Then this made me think about my recent attitude about Leased Ad Space.  I had been asking myself the question: "When in the world are Richard and Dan going to do something smart to get this business  to really rolling?  Well, have you noticed they just did that very thing!

Then that called another question to my mind:  "How successful are they going to be in their efforts just on their own?"  Not very successful I would think.  What would happen if we made a 90 day concerted effort to do something EXTRA every day to help them in their efforts?  I would bet my booty, that it would make a huge POSITIVE difference!

Then I began thinking again:  I am going to make a commitment to do something Extra, every day to help make leased Ad Space become ALL it can be!   Will you make that same commitment?  Man, that would be several thousand people doing something EXTRA  every day to improve  OUR COMPANY!   Then multiply that times 90 days, shoot, I can't even count that high!

Who knows, it might even last longer than 90 days!  I am betting it will!

Yours in success,

john worsham   woody35

About John Worsham


Texan, married, 5 children, 16 Grandchildren, 29 Great Grandchildren. Born again Christian, 50 years a Bible study teacher, 10 years in internet marketing, love Church, Hunting, Fishing in that order.