We Fear The Things We Do Not Understand

Published by John Worsham — 03-21-2017 11:03:42 AM

We are fearful of the things we do not know nor understand. These are the roadblocks that keep us from moving forward!

The simple truth is every day we are given the opportunity to take a deep breath and step out onto this stage we call life and dance as boldly as we can.

We need to follow our dreams and strive for our goals. Or, we can remain stuck hiding behind our fears and living with all the “what if’s” and “if only’s” and watch life pass us by.

You have a choice right now. It’s your choice! Are You Dedicated enough to Your friends, Your family, Your business, To make the RIGHT CHOICE!

You can either continue to grumble, maybe even at this  writing, listing off all the reasons why I’m wrong and making excuses as to why it’s “not possible” or you can make the choice to change things.

About John Worsham


Texan, married, 5 children, 16 Grandchildren, 29 Great Grandchildren. Born again Christian, 50 years a Bible study teacher, 10 years in internet marketing, love Church, Hunting, Fishing in that order.