Failure - What you can learn from Abraham Lincoln

Published by Martin Bigler — 01-23-2018 03:01:37 AM

If the road to success is slower than you expected then listen to this.

Lots of people are frustrated with their lack of success.

These are folks who have attempted to build a business online for 3, 6, 12 months or more.

And yet, there’s one man that has seen countless setbacks in his life.

That man is Abraham Lincoln.

Today, he is considered one of the greatest U.S presidents of all time.

However, throughout his life, he encountered hardships and failures.

Lincoln grew up poor in a log cabin in Kentucky.

…His mother died when he was 9…

…He had a failed business at age 21…

…He lost congressional races…

…His partner died when he was 26…

…He had a nervous breakdown…

…He was denied a senate seat, twice…

…He failed to become the vice president…

The list goes on.

And then, in 1860, he became the 16th President of the United States.

Would you call Lincoln a failure?

I don’t think so.

Abraham Lincoln shows us that determination is more important than skills or talent.

His strong belief propelled him forward and shaped the history of our nation.

How would you act if you knew success was inevitable?

Assume that all your dreams will come true and take action.

I like to call this the “Lincoln” method.

If you’re struggling to make steady progress on your business, just think like Lincoln.

Setbacks and bumps in the road are just part of the journey.

Be determined and reach the top (see the Video How to)!

Martin Bigler (Team Massive Success)


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About Martin Bigler


Online Entrepreneur and Success Mentor.