Came to America with $10 (Read Alex & Ana’s story)

Published by Martin Bigler — 08-24-2017 03:08:51 PM

This is a personal Information, I received from Michael Force, Founder of Digital Altitude, and I want to share it with you:

Here is his story...

Did you hear the story I shared on Facebook the other day?

It’s an amazing story about a NEW friend of mine ...Alex

…and what he did to go from nothing to living his dream life.

He only had 10 bucks in his pocket when he came to the states looking for a better life.

If you are ready to get inspired and find out what he did…

>> Watch his video here

Now things got bad for Alex and his wife Anna at first.

He found a tough boring job in New York (not making enough to even pay rent there).

He racked up almost 100 thousand in credit (I call them slow death) cards within a few months just trying to live.

He was now working up to 60 hrs per week, hardly saw his children…

…but still with all of his struggle Alex kept a hold of the “dream” and reason he came to the states.

One day he decided to take a chance on doing some stuff online, his family and friends and especially co-workers told him he was crazy.

After getting off to a Super slow start with it Alex was about to give up, but learned about something that he is going to share on the video below.

Fast forward to today and Alex has already earned 135 k with me just this year, not to mention 3+ times that he earned last year.

So watch the video below and see exactly what he has been doing and how he went from $10 and a lot of DEBT to living his dream life and the reason he took the big chance to come to the states.

>> Watch the video to see Alex and Ana’s whole story.

See you at the top,

Michael Force

... and Martin Bigler

Your DA Success Mentor

About Martin Bigler


Online Entrepreneur and Success Mentor.