Oh No, My Site Has Been Hacked!

Published by Judy Daus — 01-26-2017 10:01:15 PM

My TAE InstantCashEngine was hacked with a number of other sites.  No information was lost but after over 4 hrs of cleaning up the pages, the hacker placed a message on the login page.  The server owner has suspend the hacked sites until "things settle down".

So, I suppose I will have to have a re-launch when the site is back up and running.  Best plan I can come up with.  Very frustrating.

Stay Tuned.

This got me thinking about how many marketers and non-marketers do not have their devices backed up.  I am lucky that I have
never had a hard drive crash but I feel safer knowing that I have GotBackUp.  This is an affordable product and I am am able to sell it to others as I have.  If you do not have backup, get it TODAY!

While I wait for my site to be reinstated, you can help me out by joining 4AcesMailer and using it, of course.  4Aces is a partner in the RedRocketMailer mailing to over 44,000 members.


About Judy Daus


I am almost retired from my 45 yrs as a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist. During those years I worked in large teaching hospitals, rural hospitals, Veterans Administration Medical Center and spent 10 yrs in the United States Army Reserves Nurse Corp with the rank of Major. I have been working my internet business for 5yrs part-time. I have met many interesting individuals and even made some money! I own http://www.instantcashengine.com and http://www.4acesmailer.com and am a partner in http://www.YourViralMailer.com /home.asp?rid=44 I owe a good deal of my success to these 2 training sites: http://www.teamelitehomebusinesses.com/msjudyd http://www.MakeMoneyMarketingToday.com/?rd=hm5XdROw