LAS Blogs: Micheline Gauthier

About Micheline Gauthier


Positive, spiritually-grounded mom of 5 building a profitable business online helping others create the life of their dreams using simple, proven systems and strategies. The only limit is OURSELVES. When we believe that we can - We can DO ANYTHING!! Let me help you discover your own talents and develop a strategy to set you free, Financial Freedom, Time Freedom and Travel Freedom can be yours if you'll spend a few years doing what MOST WON'T, so you can live the REST OF YOUR LIFE like OTHERS CAN'T

Check out my LAS profile for more information about me! →

Trial & Error - Persistence Beats Resistance

Published on 06-05-2017 03:06:05 PM by Micheline Gauthier

Have you ever tried to teach yourself something? I remember when I was  kid, we couldn't afford a piano but we'd often visit people who DID and I would always ask if I could play. They'd let me tap out little songs that I loved and I would have to sound out the right notes until I found the

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The Cure for MS MUST be found - Why it's So Important to me!!

Published on 04-06-2017 06:04:20 PM by Micheline Gauthier

Multiple Sclerosis Research has always been near and dear to my heart but recently it has been dominating my thoughts...let me explain.

Growing up as a child from a broken home in the 70's, I was the odd duck in my school. People didn't divorce in those days. EVERYONE had a mom AND dad in

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What's made Mimi who she is todayI??

Published on 03-31-2017 08:03:46 PM by Micheline Gauthier

Have you ever noticed that when you really want something, I mean REALLY WANT SOMETHING and you have to wait for it for a long time. The anticipation of having it becomes greater than the actual having it in the end. 

What I find helpful in the meantime is to create smaller steps

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Scammers, Liars and Thieves, Oh My!!

Published on 03-27-2017 09:03:43 PM by Micheline Gauthier

The Internet is full of shucksters, scammers and outright liars and thieves!

Just like the real world.

It’s a tricky world online and off!

Are there people you can trust?

Yes, of course.

They key rule of thumb is to practice due diligence, take

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Patience & Respect for how fast time goes by when we're not paying attention.

Published on 03-18-2017 04:03:46 PM by Micheline Gauthier

What an awkward thing to learn. As I watch my children growing up, I'm constantly reminded of just what a challenge it is to delay gratification.


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