Day 5 Hashing ad space Results- 100% Free

Published by Michael Mikovich — 12-26-2018 11:12:05 PM

Day 5 Hashing Ad Space Results- 100% free

Published on 12/26/2018

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My Results with Hashing Ad Space where You Earn Free Asimi Tokens that you can earn Daily about an Average of 7 Asimi Coins per Day and you only need to watch 1 ad for 7 secnds and at the end of the day u am rewarded with more asimi tokens 

I can use the asimi tokens for 

1)Paid Advertising, I ll Be able to Spend it on Advertise Hits to any page for any business opportunity I might have they use login ads (where someone logs in than you have a pop ad people see when they log in), Ads that people will use to mint (to earn their asimi coins) and also use banners as well

2)Minting Ads- When You Join Free-- You can Purchase Minting ad Packages.

When You Sign Up For Free- You can watch 1 ad and you are done

But for each minting ad you purchase with your asimi coins , you can watch 2 ads and this will allow you to watct 2 ads and just say you get 7 toekns for each ad, so that would be 14 Coins so it can really build, they are good for 365 days and you can buy more minting packages..awesomme way to keep growing your asimi tokens

3) Exchange Asimi Tokens - exchange them for U.S Dollars and Bit Coins and other cyber currency options

Right now asimi coins are about 50 cent U S D PER TOKEN! Also as more people get involved with hashing ad the value of each tokens coud grow and make the tokens more valuable

I am on my 5th day and the value i got right now

Total Asimi Minted : 35.4463
Current Minting Power: 1/1
Your Minting Efficiency 30 Days: 100%

So it is worth about $17.75 Right now, join us in pre launch while you can or it will go up to $30 to join so get in free for now 

Join Here to get Started

About Michael Mikovich


I love to help people using excellent marketing tools to help people. First teach and Show them how to be successful and also to build trust with People