Banner Ad Results SO FAR for 11/14/2018 Part 1 of 2

Published by eric abbott — 11-14-2018 03:11:35 PM

Todays Advertising Results so far by HitsConnect

So far today has been great! Doing very well in banner advertising and so far have gotten well over 4,000 banner impressions coming in from hundreds of different FREE ad sites.

Right now my top results are coming from the banner coop at the TrafficG banner exchange, which places your banners at many different free ad sites.

Along with State-Of-The-Art Mailer viral banner ad system, which basically does the same thing.

I am promoting my Live Entrepreneur show today, along with my Discord and Skype Group through my banner ads. So when people click on the banner, it typically takes them to my Skype group where I can either introduce them to my live show, or share my techniques with them.

On these blogs posts, I am offering my tips and tricks to you for those who want to get more into brand building through free banner advertising.

I can share with you the resources I use, and the systems I use to get a huge load of banner advertising just like this through hundreds of ad sites for 100% Free

I use 3 simple systems.

  1. Prosperity Marketing System

  2. HitsConnect

  3. Skype/Discord

Now I have many tips and tricks to grow my network of leads, but the 2 things everyone need is a system & product everyone needs. -- Every marketer NEEDS a marketing/click funnel system that generates multiple streams of income, even when people say NO to their primary business.

Every marketer NEEDS to be tracking their results so they do not waste time.

Every marketer NEEDS advertising and a prospecting system.

Those 3 things cover it. And with this blog I am creating here on LAS, I will share with you guys what is working with me, and show you my daily results with my banner branding techniques.

If you want to work with me, or simply get to know me, join my Skype Chat or Discord server!

Join my Skype Room here

Join my Discord Server here

Hope to see you on the other end!

To your success,

Eric Abbott

About eric abbott


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