

Kerri Foster

Contact Info

Skype - Kerri Foster

Facebook - Kerri Foster

Twitter - kerrif5

Location - ontario canada

Join Date - 2016-04-14

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About Me

Hi, My name is Kerri Foster
and I live in a small city in Southern Ontario, Canada. My husband Tom and I have
two grown children, Joshua and Jessica. We also have our first granddaughter Clarissa who brings me so much joy.

We love spending time with our now growing family. We enjoy nature and camping during our holidays in the summer, as well as reading, scrapbooking, crafts, eating out and a good movie.

I spent the most of the last 20 years as a work at home mom and homeschooling our two children, I wouldn’t trade that time for anything in the world. For the last 3 years, I have been helping raise my granddaughter. Having the freedom to be able to work from home and focus on family is amazing. However, it wasn’t easy.

I started working online because we didn’t have the savings we wanted to be able to pay for our son’s upcoming university expenses. My husband also wanted to be able to quit his job at some point and retire. So many people these days have to keep working in their jobs well beyond retirement age and that was not the path we wanted to follow. We also wanted the freedom to be able to travel and be do what we want without having the worry of money.

Getting to the point of accomplishing those goals is a journey, and it is not a straight line path. When I first came online, I got caught up in the hype and scams. It was so easy to believe the big claims made by the “get rich quick” programs. I was involved in programs like Zeek Rewards, Banners Brokers, also some revenue sharing programs. Unfortunately, that was not the path to earning an online income. I fell prey to the Shiny Object Syndrome, thinking that the next program would be the one that would give me what I want.

After struggling in these programs, I came to the conclusion I needed to go on a different path. If I kept believing the same promises and investing in the program after program, I was going to keep getting the same results.

Something had to change!

Now I am working on building my own group of those interested in getting real results online and working with programs that will pay for the long term. Even though it takes time and patience to build a business this way the rewards are well worth it.

My goals online now are to help others to avoid the mistakes I have made in the past and to get them on the right path to the rewards of earning money online. I hope that you read this and can relate in some way. I would love to help guide you to accomplish your goals.

Connect with me on Skype so we can talk about your goals and the path you need to take to success. My Skype id is garfield 2417.

You can also get detailed plans and information on how to make a difference in your business by getting my free downloadable report. Look below for the details.

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