Never, Ever, Ever Say This to Prospects

Published by Jim Rawlings — 05-15-2017 10:05:53 PM

You need to give your prospects realistic expectations of Internet Marketing. 

If they sign up thinking that it will be easy and they’ll make tons of money in the first month, then they are going to be easily discouraged. And when they get discouraged like that, they are more likely to quit.

It is then experiences like that that give Internet Marketing a bad name. Those prospects will go to their friends and family and say, “Oh,  Internet Marketing is a scam. They say you can easily get rich, but I tried it and that is a lie.”

We all have to be better at representing this Internet Marketing. 

So, never tell prospects that it will be easy. Never tell prospects that they can get rich quick. Tell them the truth. Tell them that it will take a lot of hard work, and it may take time for them to see results. But it is worth it.

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About Jim Rawlings


I have been Online Marketing now for over 10 years now. Struggling like everyone else. I can finally say I have finally have found a system that really works