What’s Your Mindset?

Published by Jim Rawlings — 04-28-2017 09:04:13 PM

Employee vs. Entrepreneur Mindset

Don't Wait for Success

An employee views their time as a commodity, and they are not willing to risk a lot of it.  Employees enter into a new job and might be willing to risk two weeks.  But if they don’t get paid after those two weeks, then they leave.  They want what they think is security—equal pay for equal work.  They want their money and benefits right away.

Entrepreneurs know they won’t get paid right away.  They accept the fact that they may fail and that they will be underpaid for a period of time.  But entrepreneurs do it anyway.  They are willing to invest their time, money, heart, blood, sweat, and tears knowing that eventually it will pay off.  They know that they will either succeed or they will fail but be stronger and more powerful because of it.  For entrepreneurs, failure does not define them, it is merely a step towards success.

Becoming an entrepreneur means changing your mindset.  Employees work when they’re told to; entrepreneurs work.  Think like an entrepreneur.  Don’t wait for success to come to you.  Go out and make your success.  Entrepreneurs are a different breed of people, and that’s okay because we create value, rescue people from desperate lives, and we are victorious.  So, go find your million-dollar mindset.

Click Here to Find Your Million Dollar Mindset

About Jim Rawlings


I have been Online Marketing now for over 10 years now. Struggling like everyone else. I can finally say I have finally have found a system that really works