Missing skill that RUINS side-businesses everywhere…

Published by Eve Hoeg — 05-25-2018 05:05:35 AM

Low on commissions? Could it be this?


This is simple, but not easy…

I’ve heard it said that everything we’ll ever want is on the other side of uncomfortable.

In health, in wealth, and in our relationships and everything in between…

…Can you see this as being true too?

What’s great is we can “train” ourselves to get better at this.

For example, this guy recommends folks take a daily “cold shower”.

1 minute warm. 1 minute ice cold.

1 minute warm. 1 minute ice cold.

Repeat a 3rd time.


Subconsciously though? This helps us begin to deal with uncomfortable situations, and it starts to build up our resilience.

Now I’m not saying to start taking cold showers. (Maybe just get your arm cold!) ?

But I AM saying to get used to doing what’s uncomfortable.

Writing your first email.

Creating your first paid ad.

Making your first offer online.

Building your first automated sales funnel.

Because it’s the small BOLD moves like this that will quickly add up to amazing results in your business and life.

===> Here’s a great spot to start

In your corner.


PS You’ll get a coach to help you along the way. First goal is a $1K commission headed your way in 30 days.

You’ll need to go through the steps and to be willing to roll up your sleeves with us. (We’ll have loads of fun too.)

You in?

===> OK, I’m in…

About Eve Hoeg


Hello, I have been a member of LeasedAdSpace since launch. This ia a great place to promote your business. Easy , userfriendly - and an effective way to drive traffic to your site. Good luck with your business and have a nice day! Eve