Are you up for the challenge?

Published by David Gardner — 07-18-2020 11:07:38 AM

Happy Saturday!

My question for you today though is whether you are up for the challenge or not of pushing yourself and taking action on what you learn to bring you to another level.

That could mean getting your first video up.

Or it could mean getting your first lead.

Better yet it could be getting your first sale notification or team member joining you.

There are many things you can consider successes and those should be celebrated...Getting your first lead should feel amazing and while you can set things up to automate with email follow ups, it is also crucial to follow up with current happenings as well.

One thing to keep in mind which I mentioned in the live training webinar I hosted yesterday was that with getting subscribers also comes getting unsubscribes (or people unsubscribing from your newsletter) as well.

This feels like it sucks and you almost take it personally, especially in the beginning, though sometimes this is a blessing.

For example if you are focusing on product or service "A" and the subscriber does not need it but would be better suited for product "B" then it does not do them any good to keep getting your email.

You want the subscribers on your list to be targeted to what you are sharing and what is relevant to them.

Here is a Bonus report and some additional training (you may have seen this, or it could be new to you!) that I wrote and updated a while ago on getting targeted people on your list.

Don't just save it to your computer and wait for later...Take some time and watch/read them AND then commit to taking some sort of action on at least ONE piece or ah ha you got out of it.

Then tag me in it on social media or reply to this email with a link to what you did.

Maybe it was that you bought a solo ad to get more traffic (hopefully you have an automated email system set up to it like we have at the Now Lifestyle lol!)

Maybe it was that you created a video, uploaded it to Youtube and shared it on your social media.

Maybe it was that you sold something today!

Whatever it was...hit me up so I can congratulate you on it...That's the challenge...Make stuff happen!

Let's do this!

Dave Gardner

PS: I have gotten some great feedback from the survey I shared last week that will help me start to put together the new training series/site that will help people just getting online (or those who have been around for a while to take things to the next step)

If you missed it and want to participate by sharing your $0.02, I would greatly appreciate it:

NOTE: If you already filled it out, then no need to do it again (unless you have some more stuff to add lol!)

About David Gardner


Teacher/coach/Entrepreneur building his business in the health/fitness and marketing niches. Dave is a single dad of 3 kids, a returned Peace Corps Volunteer, science teacher and a leader in internet marketing. He has been published in a few books in the marketing and lacrosse niches.