31 Day Blitz...Take 1!

Published by David Gardner — 05-01-2020 06:05:47 PM


I hope this finds you well and rocking live under the interesting conditions we are all living in these days!

Today marks the first day of the 31 day Blitz for Now Lifestyle and I wanted to share a video I made a while ago that goes into detail on the power of the Binary matrix (team building at it's best) when you come in and join us as resellers.


While spillover is not a guarantee of any success, it surely can help you become very successful.

You need to work your own leg as as well as the team building effect should really come on one side from those above you and even below you over time assuming people stay active.

Keep in mind...You could join me today and I could place 50 people below you over the nex few months, though until you start to place your own personals...

1) You will NOT earn any direct commissions (which are at 50% of those you sponsor on the level you own)

2) You will NOT earn any matching chech bonuses (which are 25% of anyone you sponsor and what they earn)

3) You will NOT earn any binary matrix bonus commissions (which are 25% and can be some really nice bonuses)

Yes those numbers add up to 100% which is where all the fees are distibuted through the company so you do need a reseller license to be an active reseller and qualify for those commissions.

Depending on how fast you are you might even get placed in a position above others who join tomorrow...I like to take care of the action takers and besides, wouldn't you rather have those people below you then be the person who is below someone else.

NOTE: You might not get much spillover from people above you, though everyone below you helps your growth.

BOOM!  Yeah you're mind blown right now huh...seriously though it is pretty plain and simple though as they say:

"You gotta be in it to win it"

Just lock in with us here and become active NOW and also see my TRAFFIC bonuses when you join at the YEARLY level:

I want to help you BLITZ as well during your first 90 days with Now Lifestyle


Let's do this!

Dave Gardner

About David Gardner


Teacher/coach/Entrepreneur building his business in the health/fitness and marketing niches. Dave is a single dad of 3 kids, a returned Peace Corps Volunteer, science teacher and a leader in internet marketing. He has been published in a few books in the marketing and lacrosse niches.