The Truth about how hard this business can be!

Published by David Gardner — 11-24-2018 04:11:48 PM

The Truth about How Hard this business can be!

I'm going to lay it down here!

It has gone too far and I want to give you the smack down truth about it all.

Yesterday someone asked if 20 hours was too long to work at something before making any sales/commissions and that they were ready to quit.

Before I could respond (and of course I did) another person had responded whether they thought 20 hours was too long to become a doctor?

That was perfect.

In all seriousness, running a business can be hard.

It can strain your time, finances and personal relationships as well as your health.

Yesterday another post online pointed out how people get it when they don't fill out an application and thus don't get hired, or don't get paid if they do not show up to their jobs...

...Yet online, they think all of a sudden someone or some program is a S/CAM if the show up and join/pay into the program and do not start making bank right away (even though they have not done anything but join or show up).

Business is business anywhere you look at it.

You need to put in the time.

You need to put in the finances to make it work (so you have the right tools, software, building, employees, training...I can go on and on!)

You need to be consistent and work your business for years sometimes to truly see the benefits (especially if it is a brick and mortar business like a restaurant or franchise)

There will be days when you want to quit.

There will be days when you want to cry.

There will be days when you want to throw your computer out the window or smash it on the floor in a million pieces (I don't recommend this as you will just have to buy another one!)

There will also be days where you have to move expenses around just to squeek by at the end of the month.

Business WILL be hard at times. There is no question about it.

I personally have racked up thousands in credit card debt over the years while I was growing my business and have continued to work it off and have successes because of ONE major thing.

I refused to quit!

It was not a case of me trying it out for 20 hours and then telling the world that it did not work.

If that was the case we would not have the light bulb from Thomas Edison.

He refused to quit until he found what works, failing thousands of times in the process.

I also continued to take massive action on things that were working and remove things that didn't...We need to fail forward fast!

The truth is Now Lifestyle has been an amazing platform, system and family for me to go all in with.

It's backed by a 20+ year old parent tech company, who is led by a former body builder, Joel Therien.

It has true physical products to compliment the digital products to make it a very unique hybrid system for anyone to join and see success with.

Even those on the health end...that just want to get in shape and be healthy need to put in many hours to see the results they're not going to lose weight just from buying diet products or a book on getting fit.

You need to follow the system and take action over and over and over.

I have now made over $37K with this platform working in my part time as I am a full time HS science teacher.

I have traveled to Cabo San Lucas Mexico, New Hampshire, Texas, Maryland and the Caribbean all thanks to this system and thanks to the efforts of hard work.

Business takes hard work, sweat, tears, muscle aches, finances and more time and time again.

That is the cold hard truth.

If you are ready to take action and commit to working towards your success and never giving up...and understand the real truth of business taking time

to grow, then just click the link below so we can lock arms, join forces and kick some serious butt.

I'll continue to give it to you straight up and never sugar coat anything when you do!

Let's do this!

Dave Gardner

PS As I mentioned the other day, I have a Black Friday special offer I am running when you upgrade to NLS University this weekend:


When you join or if you are already joined...go all in to the NLS University level. Yes I realize this can be a huge commi-ttment to some people and that is why I am going to provide a HUGE bonus to get your system kicked off in style.

I will take my full commission amount and put it right back into YOUR link with traffic and leads sent to you after we make sure your system is set up correctly!

To make the deal even sweeter...if you are seeing a higher price point because you have been in for a while but have not gone "all in" this special link will help you get a lower price-point for the All in!

NOTE: You must be sponsored by me...user davegardner for this to work

Create your account with the link above if you have not done so already:


...Once logged in: Click this link to see the awesome pricepoint!

About David Gardner


Teacher/coach/Entrepreneur building his business in the health/fitness and marketing niches. Dave is a single dad of 3 kids, a returned Peace Corps Volunteer, science teacher and a leader in internet marketing. He has been published in a few books in the marketing and lacrosse niches.