The Big "C" For Success

Published by Tan Jin Kit — 12-29-2016 01:12:24 AM

The Big "C".

It is not a very nice term in the medical field. However, this Big "C" will be the factor determining your success in Internet Marketing.

This Big "C" refers to...


To be successful in internet marketing, you need to be consistent in your marketing efforts. Even with a very successful marketing funnel, without consistency, the funnel will eventually fail for you. To be successful, you need to be present EVERYDAY to build your business!

There are so many systems online which works and they are able to help you reduce the learning curve and get you started in internet marketing. However, the reason most people fail is because they fail to be consistent in their marketing. They treat it as a "SIDE" business with the hope that it will generate extra income. However, they get distracted easily by social medias, televisions, videos etc. and they will put off the important things which will help to build their business.

Have you ever stopped and consider this? Most people come online into internet marketing to achieve financial and time freedom. However, they treat it as a "SIDE" business. My question to you is this, if you are serious of having internet marketing replace your day job so you can escape the rat race, shouldn't you be FOCUSING more in being present everyday, doing the essential things which will help grow your business?

If you fail to be consistent in building your business on a daily business, any business, online or offline, will only head towards one path - failure.

Remember this, you want to be planting the seeds today so you will be able to sow the benefits in the future. Before your little seed turns into a tree, you need to water it on a daily basis, take care of it from pests, nourish it with fertilizer etc. The tree will take years before you do not need to water it anymore and it will be able to grow by itself.

This is similar in internet marketing. With a good marketing funnel, you will first work the system and eventually the system will work for you. The ultimate goal of your marketing funnel is for it to be able to generate residual income and grow itself on autopilot, allowing you to have more free time and more money to yourself.

So, be consistent.

Focus on being consistent on one thing. For me, it will be building my list. My list is my business. My list will be my source of recurring income in the future. However, this list of mine will not bring me any income now when there is only a few hundred subscribers. The goal is to grow it 1000, then 10,000, and eventually hundreds of thousands and finally millions.

With hundreds of thousands of subscribers in your list, even if there is only 0.1% of your list purchasing affiliate products from you, you will be earning a very good income with minimal work. However, this will only be achievable with compounding of daily small successes through being CONSISTENT. 

Facing difficulty building a list or do not know where to start?

Click Here for The #1 "Done-For-You" System 

    Which Will Build Your List and Income!

About Tan Jin Kit


Hello, I am Tan and I love internet marketing especially when it comes to list building. To find out more of what I do, visit my personal blog at If you are interested in building an income, check out this funnel I have put together.