LAS Blogs: Kirk Van Guilder

About Kirk Van Guilder


Hello, Like many others seeking an online business it has been a long journey. The trials we all go through will break most and cause one to quit. I have stuck it out and finally got into a group of people i can trust. My plan is to use my on line business another stream of income until I quit my job. Th epath and what I learn will be passed on to my kids for their success to be easier. Keep the Mindset Positive and you will Push through any barriers to you reach your Goal.

Check out my LAS profile for more information about me! →

5 Lifestyle Businesses that Can Set You Free

Published on 11-11-2018 11:11:12 PM by Kirk Van Guilder

A “lifestyle business” is a small business that you can run from nearly anywhere, as long as you have an internet connection.

Life style businesses are all about letting you live how you want to live, designing your life as you choose, while running your own small company.


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How to Build a High level of Perceived Value

Published on 11-02-2018 08:11:52 PM by Kirk Van Guilder

Your products have actual value, and then they have “perceived value.”

Actual value is what your product offers to your customer. This might be the benefits, what it can do and what it can provide.

“Perceived value” is what your customer thinks

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Lose Weight-Get Fit-Make Money Change Your Life

Published on 10-31-2018 12:10:44 AM by Kirk Van Guilder

A healthy mind is key to having a healthy body, and vice versa. 

Illnesses, tension and many ailments can be translated
through the body via stresses of the mind. Just
the same as when physical pain or discomfort
lowers our mood dramatically.
Eating well

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