Become a millionaire just watching videos

Published on 07-15-2016 03:07:21 AM by Clayton Ford

THW Global is looking for people who want to work up to 10 hours a week watching and critiquing videos and get paid up to $25 per hour doing so. You also get paid $5 for every hour your direct referral works, plus you get paid $1 for every hour your referrals on levels 3 through 10 work. That's right: THW Global will pay down to TEN levels. So how do you become a millionaire? THW Global is encouraging everyone to recruit 5. If you bring in 5 and they bring in 5 and each of those referrals bring in 5, etc., down to 10 levels and everyone works 1o hours a week, by the time you get to the 7th level, you will be making over $975,000 PER WEEK. Of course THW Global cannot guarantee what you will make, but would $100,000 a month or even $10,000 a month make a difference in your life? It is free to join so you have nothing to lose. Besides, you watch videos anyway. Why not get paid for it? Clayton Ford

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