Intriguing New Way To Make M.0ney O.nline for F*REE - Worth Considering

Published on 06-28-2016 05:06:23 AM by Michael Lashmar

Hi Everyone!, It's always good to keep an open mind and seek out POTENTIAL avenues to make m0.ney o.nline as and when they occur. Now what I am about to provide could be complete rubbish but on the flip side it might be one of those golden programs that you are lucky to be a part of. At this stage we honestly don't know BUT it takes about a minute to REGISTER and it costs you NOTHING AT ALL so you have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain here. Take a few minutes to consider this o.pportunity and then simply register for f*ree to lock in your position. The program is called THW Global and it goes into full launch on 4th July, 2016. THE B.USINESS MODEL. Advertising is a $650 Billion dollar industry and THW Global is creating an advertising power house to tap into this billion d0llar industry. They aim to establish several hundred thousand members ( International Viewers ) and they are in the business of linking these IV's to the Companies/clients seeking various forms of advertising. We the IV's don't any sort of advertising packs or any rubbish like that but rather we are p.aid for our services from m.onies generated from advertisers seeking such services. HOW DOES THE THW GLOBAL MAKE M.0NEY THW Global charge companies $1.50 per minute for someone ( us ) viewing their advertising and they p.ay us a portion of this m0ney. The company therefore generates $90 an hour from selling various forms of advertising to companies / client and based on the compensation plan, they p.ay us out about $40 of this $90. THW Global plans on taking 90% of any m0ney in excess of the $40 per hour they p.ay out to the field and spending it on new TV, Radio and Print Ads to build the New Internet Brand of YouTube Type Videos. The b.usiness model ( if it works and is for real ) is sound and I cannot see any issues as we are not b.uying anything but rather doing a job and p.aid a accordingly. HOW DO WE MAKE M.0NEY We e.arn in 3 ways: 1) We are p.aid up to $25 an hour for up to 10 hours a week to view and comment on commercials,TV pilot programs, movie trailers, video surveys and more. This means we can e.arn up to $250 a week ( $1000 a month ) without having to refer to e.arn AND without p.aying a cent to get involved. 2) For every person you share this with who do their 10 hours worth of viewing per week, they make their $25 an hour and you make $5 an hour as their referrer. This means you can potentially make an additional $200 per month for EACH person you share this with....This is very significant i.ncome. 3) You receive $1 per hour for everyone in your entire organization ( your referrals and their referrals and their referrals ) down 10 generations. This means that your e.arning potential here is limitless....Again HUGE !!! So the company makes $90 an hour offering their services to clients and they p.ay us $40 an hour for viewing and performing whatever tasks they were p.aid by the client to perform. The client gets "eyeballs" on whatever they have on offer, we make m0ney and the company makes m0ney.....Win-win-win !! NOTE: THERE IS ALSO A DUAL TEAM aka THE BINARY. Currently this is a POWER LEG and as this goes viral NATIONWIDE and GLOBAL you will start to see tens of thousands per day coming into the program below you in what is called a POWER LEG. The company has plans to monetize this by those who will want to do more than viewing YouTube Type Videos. For Example: CLICK ADVERTISING or SURVEYS which will create additional revenue is to be paid out via THE DUAL TEAM but this is PHASE TWO. Just focus on PHASE ONE right now. Register today for F*REE and position yourself as the spillover in this binary is HUGE if you act now. WHAT TO DO NOW. We still don't know if this is for real or not BUT it sounds very good, it seems well structured so far and quite frankly we have nothing to lose. If this does turn out to be what it is, this will be a monster of a program so you would very much want to position yourself RIGHT NOW just in case it works out. 1) Register for F.ree if you have not already done so 2) Decide if you want to share this with anyone ( it makes sense to as your referrals could potentially make $1000 a month without spending a cent and you can potentially make $200 a month for doing nothing more than sharing this with them. You can sign up your spouse or children ( once they are over 21 ) and/or you can copy this email and send it out to everyone you know who might be interested in this and then ask them to do the same. It takes a minute to register and again, we have nothing to lose and everything to gain. 3) If you do not plan to recruit then just wait to hear from me or the company. BENEFITS If this is for real ( everything will depend on if this is for real and actually works ), my upline and I will outline a very simple plan to do two things once the time is right: 1) Show you step by step how you can obtain a PVA ( Personal Virtual Assistant ) who you will probably p.ay about $5 an hour ( so you make a p.rofit of $20 an hour ) and this PVA will do all the viewing for you, so you do nothing but collect your "salary" 2) Map out a very good plan for you to be able to share this o.pportunity with others when the time is right ( For now use this email or any part thereof to share with others ..Make sure to swap out my referral link with yours ) It's F.ree to join and you won't ever p.ay anything yet you have the POTENTIAL to make a lot of m0ney with this so we are joining based on this potential. Regards, Michael Lashmar (aka mormax)

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