Wow 60 Solo Ads a Month - Lifetime Price - Discount

Published on 06-16-2016 11:06:38 PM by Clinton Clark

Hi Visitor Every once in a while a HUGE Solo Ad Value Proposition comes along. That time is now and you can lock in the right to send SIXTY (60) Solo Ads a Month to 40,000 recipients for a one time LIFETIME Price. The cost? $399? Nope! v v v v $269? Nope! v v v v $149? Nope! v v v v How about a ONE TIME Lifetime Gold Membership to mail to 40,000 60 times a month for only $89! OMG! Yes, you heard right! Check it out at the link below NOW. (NOTE: The site is running a little bit slow, I'm guessing because of the fantastic offer that is only available for a short time. I have contacted the owner and anticipated it will be addressed soon). But...... Make sure to check it out and take action now, regardless. Thanks and have fun getting massive exposure for you main program! Clint

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