~fname~ More Then Meets The Eye...

Published on 02-02-2017 04:02:22 AM by Charles Boseak

a know, there is a lot more to your new EasyCash4Ads online business than meets the eye!


You get your primary business, product, or opportunity seen by your growing member base for 25 seconds before they can log into their back office! And most log in two or three times a day to check their exciting referral growth among other things.


Imagine your members watching a full screen, 25 second view of your capture page video primary opportuniy offer time and time again whenever they log into their EasyCash4Ads dashboard for two weeks!


Now at first that would be just one (1) member . . . boooooo!


BUT: You soon get two members passed up from him/her right?

And then you get their first two members as well = 4 now

And theirs = 8

Then 16








Now you have 1023 members of your own who have not only paid you what is 10,230.00 collectively, but are now seeing your primary ad for 25 seconds over and over!



Question: What is the conversion rate of your chosen primary ad page? A mere 5% conversion (of the 1023 members above) means 51 new customers that your incredible EasyCash4Ads is directly responsible for!


All for $19.00 dollars one time..ever?

C’mon now..

Check out this offer, or LOGIN first to get click credits for your browsing!:
=> http://www.easycash4ads.com/cap.aspx?i=money&ref=kingcb