Never Ending Referrals to Build Your Business!

Published on 02-26-2020 02:02:25 PM by Keith Dyer

From the desk of:
Keith Dyer
SFI Silver Team Leader
SFI is the internet's longest running and most successful affiliate program.

Hello Visitor,

As an internet marketer, I am referring new affiliates regularly. And because I believe that my success is directly tied to helping others become successful, I offer my new referrals the opportunity to take positions in the "Powerline" I am building.

What's a Powerline?
In short, a Powerline is a type of sales network where members are placed one after another in a straight line for maximum synergy. Once you register and start taking action, I will be placing every affiliate I refer to this Powerline under YOU!

What's in it for you?
1. I will literally be helping you build a sales team, on which you can earn ongoing monthly commissions!

2. SFI will add to this by awarding you Rewardical tokens that you can redeem for all kinds of good stuff, including cash! (up to 100 Rewardicals for every affiliate I place under you for the next 60 days)! Don’t under-estimate the power of Rewardical tokens, they can add up quickly!

Join SFI free and check it out - No Obligation

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