Bloody fingers and blood shot eyes.

Published on 09-18-2019 06:09:36 AM by Brian Davis

This message is to my promoters on traffic exchanges and safelist.

You can get results from the above mentioned, but it takes a lot of work. More work than most of us are willing to put in.

The ROI (return on investment) is so low, that most give up or simply run out of time. 

If you're going to promote on safelist and traffic exchanges, I have a funnel that promotes a co-op. 

The Co-Op itself is NOT promoted intraffic exchanges or safe list. It's promoted via solo ads with a very high ROIcompared to sitting and clicking on ads. 

I'm not trying to be a hypocrite,because I occasionally promote on TE and Safe list. 

You could upgrade in 4 or 5 trafficexchanges and or safe list, insert your link and get

10K to 20K clicks to your website, but only pull 4 or 5 leads on a good day.

Or you can participate in the CO-Op for half the cost and average around 40 to 50 leads.

It's up to you, but if you're going to promote on traffic exchanges and safe list, use this.

Brian Davis
Master builder of simple funnels.

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