Published on 06-25-2019 01:06:03 PM by harris desormeaux

My curiosity is making me write to you today. :-)

I must ask you, are you a member with GoFounders/OnPassive yet???

If not, then I would like to offer you some information to help you make an informed decision about joining our team. My sincere congratulations if you already joined.

You probably already heard about it and you probably received info from others too. However, I really would like to have you on my team.

After being involved with PASSIVE income ops for the last 16 years, I can now tell you that when the second half of this business offer launches, it will be the last business that you will ever need to meet all your ambitions.  And, yes,100% HANDS-FREE and DONE-FOR-YOU!

Btw, in my opinion, do NOT join Friends-Funding-Friends, Impact101, or CrowdfundingGuaranteed. I joined them for testing purposes, and they failed miserably. The only people who make money with these things are good recruiters. They are certainly NOT passive or done-for-you, as some pretend to be.

Watch this short video for a life-changing awakening: 

Please click my links below and change your life.

Have a blessed day,

Harris DesOrmeaux 

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