Published on 10-24-2016 04:10:15 PM by Loren Niwa

HI Visitor on seeing the title of this Solo Ad you may be thinking....what the heck is a 'Luxury Fashion House'. A 'Luxury Fashion house' designs and sells high-end products. Rolex, Prada, Louie vuitton, Gucci to name a few, are well known Fashion Houses and to the Rich and Famous....very desirable labels. We are 11 years in the making and the new player in town, we are 'Global Wealth Trade' and although it sounds like we sell and trade stocks on the stock-exchange....we are a 'Canadian Luxury Fashion House' Here's the kicker that makes our opportunity different from the others....we dont have bricks and mortar stores, instead we use a network of Independant Consultants to promote and earn life changing commissions. When you don't need to pay for overheads like retail stores or advertising, we (the consultants) benefit. Its a win, win the link below and take a be the judge...

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