Published by Ron Jeffries — 03-28-2017 12:03:22 AM

It may take some time to start seeing success online as we build our business.  Work smart, labor diligently, have patience and stay at it!  We you most likely see success gradually and in small increments. That's the way it occurred with me.  As we stick with it we will start to see progress.  Relish that progress and build upon it.   We will never fail, if we keep at it and stay in the race.  You only fail if you quit.  Giving in, giving up and giving out are not options if we are to be successful in building our online business!

Remember, that which we persist in doing becomes easier to do, not that the nature of the thing has changed but that our power to do has increased.

Your Partner In Success!

Ron Jeffries

About Ron Jeffries


Hello Folks of LAS! I am a retired school teacher/coach and family man. As it has been said, I prefer the errors of enthusiasm to the indifference of wisdom. I enjoy earning cash from home and helping others do the same!