

Rodney Smith

Contact Info

Skype - djsilkysmooth

Facebook - earnwithrodneylsmith

Twitter - rodneylsmith

Location - Canal Winchester, OH

Join Date - 2016-04-30

My Rank



About Me

While attending College in 1985, I joined my first network marketing company. I also got involved in sales. I've sold Items such as fire protection equipment, cars, candles, fragrances, cable services and more. I am comfortable selling that's why I enjoy network marketing so much. I have created multiple streams of income over the past 10 years. I earn from work, The internet and my Mobile Disc Jockey Business. I have been a Disc Jockey since 1982. Rodney Lee Smith is my pofessional website and name. I currently am self employed as an IT Consultant and Network Solutions Technician.

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Hey, thanks for checking out my writing! Below are my 5 most recent posts. You can see all of my writing over on my Personal LeasedAdSpace blog!