How to avoid getting sucked into the social media vacuum when working your home business or online business

Published by Seely Clark — 05-27-2018 06:05:50 PM

This may be a contradiction because many of you will probably be reading this on social media.... but... here goes!


Social media marketing can be one of your best friends or it can be huge hindrance...


Social media reminds me of that one friend...


We all have that friend...


Kinda the type A alpha that charges ahead, gets things done, and makes most everyone feel good about themselves.... there an awesome friend....


Who is also the kind of friend that when they get a few too many shots into them, they use that charisma to convince the rest of the crowd that....


Yes, it is a good idea to go to the nudie bar!


and yes, we really do need to tell that biker off cuz he just looks like a butthead....


Then there's usually firetrucks, cops, and bail involved.....

 That's what happens if you don't keep that friend in line....


Social media can cause just as much mischief if left unchecked or if you come under the sway of all the flash and fanfare it has to offer...


Which social media becomes for you -friend or foe- is up to you and how you handle it.


The best way to keep from looking into social media's big puppy dog eyes and succumbing to it's Hollywood smile

 is to schedule out a list of must dos and break them into short stints.


The other thing to do is that, unlike that friend I mentioned, social media has a mute button!!!


You can turn off all notifications so that while you're drafting posts, or posting ads in Facebook groups, or setting up your photos and article / blog links on Instagram.


When you mute them, you won't be bombarded with notifications that Joe Blow posted the 50th super cute kitty photo that you just GOTTA see....


As long as their all muted they won't be beeping and throwing notification banners onto your screen while you're working.

One key to success I have found is to have your content all created ahead of time and cued up on a Gmail draft or in a text file. So when you do hop on the merry-go-round of social media you can simply copy, paste, post, and run.


That's not to say that you shouldn't be on social media.


You absolutely should be on social media daily so you can welcome fellow team members into your business, to chat with industry peers, and learn more about doing what you do. That is a must and should be done daily.


Posting content and being social and networking on social media should be kept separate and at separate times from your advertising and content craetion.


Trying to mix networking and posting content at the same time on social media  is the kiss of death.


If you try to mix them, you WILL get side tracked answering messenger pitches, questions, and get caught up in any family or friend drama that cousin Eddie messages you about.


Before you know it, two hours will have gone by and only part of one content post or only 1/10th of the ads you needed to post will be done. Then it'll be time for dinner or to take the trash out or whatever....


Remember, prepare content and ads ahead of time, get in, copy and paste and get back out ASAP.


Then you can go back at another time of day and network.


That's all for today my friend.


Have a great day!


Seely Clark IV

About Seely Clark


I live in Bangor, Maine and I worked full-time as a RN at a local hospital. In 2010 I started working online Part-time after my mother was disabled by a heart attack. I wanted to build extra income to help with her health care. What started as a way to make extra income has grown into a passion! Over the last several years, it has started to come together for me. I am now able to work online full time It is AMAZING! Over the years I have learned a great deal about marketing on the Internet. I have learned many things that don’t work and and much that DOES work. One thing I have learned is that for me to succeed, I have to help others succeed. So now my focus is on teaching others what I have learned works so that they can avoid the money wasting struggles I went through and finally start making money on the Internet.