Trinity of Online Marketing

Published by Niranjan Ranade — 08-19-2017 10:08:57 PM

If you’ve ever wondered what it takes to make money online

, you need to master the trinity:

1. Website

2. Monetization Methods

3. Traffic

Similarly to a traditional business, these components have literal equivalents:

Website = Your physical store

Monetization methods = Money generating process

Traffic = Customers

The beauty of making money online is that you are no longer restricted and

bounded by the two most defining laws of physics – Your physical presence, and time.

AND, it doesn’t even cost half of what you need in the physical world…

Find out how can you do this easily.



P.S: It’s really not as complicated as you think. :)

Click below to read about it

About Niranjan Ranade


As a full-time Affiliate Marketer, I recommend products & services that help "Online Business Opportunity Seekers" build real and growing income :)