TRACKING CONVERSIONS How to Clone Your Capture Page to Track Traffic Conversions

Published by Charles Williams — 03-09-2018 04:03:45 PM

TRACKING CONVERSIONS: How to Quickly and Easily Track Conversions from Your Traffic Sources by Cloning Your Lead Capture Pages in Power Lead System

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Clone your capture pages. Here’s how:

  1. Create a subdomain in PLS.
  2. Clone the LCP you want to test.
  3. Direct specific traffic from ONE source to that link.
  4. Clone again to test another traffic source.

Using Power Lead System to do this makes it quick and easy even if you’re new.


Get some quality traffic “done-for-you” and sent direct to your capture page here.


If you’re just learning or getting started with affiliate marketing then you’re going to need a couple good tools to get the job done and make some money. Click here to review the tools I use.


Most people assume affiliate marketing is a “tiny commissions” and no leverage game. That assumption is completely wrong. But you have to find the offers that convert well and that pay you the most. I prefer to make more money up front with less drama and hassles.

100% Commissions per sale and “direct pay” to you is simply the fastest way to make full time cash flow with affiliate marketing where you don’t have to run around shilling lotions and potions for peanuts to your (soon to be gone) “friends and family.” You can learn how I do it here.

This simple but lucrative “get paid today” model saved me tons of time and money playing the “business owner” game for peanuts. Get paid more and get paid faster, because, why not?

Easy1Up Review Simple Freedom Academy Power Lead System

Simple Freedom Academy Get Paid Big Up Front No MLM Slave

About Charles Williams


Hi Friend, Thanks for coming! Just like you I wanted more freedom to do the things that I enjoy and I also looked high and low for the success I wanted in a home business. I really wanted to be my own boss and control more of my time, as well as my finances. If you are also trying to build a business I can help there too. Many of my successes were learned through trial and error and I just looked at the simple things that worked and develop my skill. I now have multiple Streams of Income because I learned the skills that I needed to generate leads and make sales period.