Does CBD oil work for chronic pain management?

People have used CBD for thousands of years to treat various types of pain, but the medical community have only recently begun to study it again. Unlike other cannabinoids (THC) – CBD doe not produce a euphoric “high” or psychoactive effect. This is because CBD does not affect the same receptors as THC.
Here are some of the possible benefits of CBD oil:

  • Arthritis Pain
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Chronic Pain
  • Social Anxiety Disorder
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder(PTSD)
  • Anxiety-Induced Insomnia

Can Dogs Benefit from CBD?

Here is a detailed list of some of the major benefits of CBD which can improve the health of your pet.Keep in mind these apply to dogs, cats, and other pets. There are even more benefits than these, however these 7 will apply to the majority of conditions.

1. CBD is a Powerful Painkiller

In 1997, a study published in the European Journal of Pharmacology showed that the endocannabinoid system was deeply involved in managing pain.

2. CBD is a Known Anticonvulsant

Perhaps one of the best-known medicinal uses for CBD is its ability to help controls seizures, tremors, tics, and spasms.